Squirrels is a new provision in Scouting and was launched in September 2021
Squirrels is for 4 to 5 year olds to help young people gain skills for life. They wear a red sweatshirt with their Group necker.
They meet for an hour once a week and programs will involve having fun outdoors, learning new things, earning badges through fun activities and making new friends. Squirrels can gain a variety of badges and achieve the highest award in this section, the Chief Scout’s Acorn Award.
Richmondshire is hoping to open new Squirrel Dreys in the near future but requires more leaders. Barton is planning to start our first Squirrel Drey in summer 2023.
Please contact us for details of dates, venues and start times if your child is interested in joining Squirrels in our District but we do need more leaders, so if you have got an interest in helping us out, then please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.